Sunday, 22 April 2012

Anda Suka Cerpen Melayu?

Intro...*hehe..rasa macam dah lama sangat x hantar bahan dalam bahasa Melayu. Cerpen yang dibuat 5 tahun dulu (lama dah, haha)...xpenah anta kat mana2 kontes. Terperap je dalam laptop. Jadi, setakat ni je la intro...selamat membaca =)

Untuk Perempuan Yang Ada Segalanya.

            Mentari memancar begitu menikam sekali. Langit pula ketandusan awan nan putih, menambahkan lagi keperitan bahangnya. Anak-anakku seramai tiga orang itu sudah kegelisahan di tempat duduknya, suamiku pula apatah lagi. Namun, tiada seorang pun mengoceh dan merungut apa-apa, bagi mereka ini panas rahmat agaknya.

         “ Jauh lagi ke mak?” Anakku yang pertama, Kristy, tujuh belas tahun, sudah pun bersuara. Peluhnya memercik mengalir halus di dahinya.

“ Sekejap lagi sampailah,” pujuk suamiku pula. Tangannya asyik memutar sterengke kiri dan ke kanan. Sesekali dia akan menekan hon dan termenung seketika. Entahlah kenapa lebuhraya kali ini begitu sesak sekali. Pening kepalaku dibuatnya.

“ Mak, jauh lagi ke?” Yasha, anakku yang berada di Tingkatan Tiga juga sudah membuka mulut. Rambutnya yang paras bahu itu sudah kusai dibasahi peluh sungguhpun penghawa dingin sudah kuhidup pada tahap maksimum.

“ Kejap lagi sampailah kita ya.” Kali ini, aku pula yang memujuk anak-anakku. Aku harap mereka dapat bertahan untuk sekejap lagi. Bukannya apa, kami semua ingin menziarahi sahabat lamaku, Lina yang asyik jatuh sakit sejak akhir-akhir ini. Katanya, diserang penyakit tua. Aku bimbang pada kesihatan Lina, lebih-lebih lagi Lina duduk bersendirian di dalam banglo mewah tiga tingkatnya. Pasti terasa benar suasana dingin dan sepi menyelubungi hari-harinya di sana. Atas dasar itulah aku membawa anak-anakku sekali, biar banglo itu hidup dengan suara anak-anak muda.

“ Banyak betul kereta. Boleh sampai ke kita ‘ni?” Anakku yang ketiga, Adam, lapan tahun usianya sudah mula membebel. Suamiku tertawa pada bebelannya.

“ Boleh sampai, Adam. Sekejap lagi. Lepas jalan ‘ni dah lengang sikit, kita jalan terus, belok kiri , pusing bulatan, masuk kanan…hah, sampailah kat rumah Auntie Lina.”

Aku menghenyakkan tubuhku pada kusyen kereta dengan gelengan kepala. Hanya suamiku saja yang mampu melayan kerenah anak-anak. Sambil memerhatikan puluhan kenderaan yang berderet di hadapan kami, mindaku digamit oleh wajah ayu Lina semasa muda. Sudah lama kami bersahabat, sejak kami berusia tujuh tahun lagi. Itupun disebabkan kami berjiran dan ibuku bekerja sebagai penjaga Lina apabila ibu bapa Lina pergi bertugas. Namun, Lina tidak memandang darjat. Dia sudi menjadi sahabatku ketika aku disisihkan oleh kanak-kanak lain. Sebab itu aku sangat menyayanginya sehingga kini. Entahlah, tiba-tiba saja aku dibawa kembali mengingatimu, Lina.

            Lina, sebentar lagi aku akan datang menjengukmu. Kau tunggulah ketibaanku di muka pintu dengan senyuman.

            Aku mengenali Lina apabila keluarganya berpindah di sebelah rumah kami yang kecil seperti teratak . Lebih-lebih lagi dia dijaga oleh ibuku apabila ibu bapa bekerja pada sebelah pagi. Kadang-kadang, Lina akan bermalam di rumah kami sekiranya ibu bapa Lina dihantar berkursus. Aku kagum pada Lina sejak pertama kali kami berkenalan. Dia punya mata yang galak dan bersinar. Rambutnya pula keperang-perangan seperti anak orang Barat dan lembut panjang hingga ke pinggul. Kulitnya pula begitu cerah jika dibandingkan dengan aku yang gelap terbakar ini. Dia juga memiliki susuk tubuh yang tinggi lampai, lemah lembut dan punya otak yang cerdas. Malah, dia turut menikmati kekayaan keluarganya. Sungguh beruntung sekali jika aku menjadi Lina. Namun, impian itu tinggal impian. Masakan aku boleh menjadi Lina? Aku hanya boleh menjadi diri aku sendiri, cuma Hajar sahaja.

Apabila kami sama-sama meningkat usia, Lina menjadi perhatian guru-guru sekolah rendahku. Dia menjadi murid kesayangan, intan permata. Segala peluang yang baik-baik akan diserahkan pada Lina terlebih dahulu dan saki baki peluang yang tinggal akan dikutip oleh murid peringkat sederhana seperti aku.

“ Johan menulis karangan… Lina Ashikin!”

“ Johan catur… Lina Ashikin!”

“ Pemenang tempat kedua pertandingan melukis poster… Lina Ashikin!”

“ Lina Ashikin… pelajar harapan tahun ini!”

            Ya, Lina Ashikin. Hanya nama itu saja yang aku dengar sepanjang aku berada di bangku sekolah rendah. Hanya nama itu saja yang bergema pada corong pembesar suara. Hanya nama itulah yang diumumkan dan disebut-sebut. Hebat sungguh Lina! Aku cemburu pada kelebihannya.        

Saturday, 21 April 2012

Kuching Walk *snap, snap!

At Pasir Panjang, Kuching (I think that the small island is Pulau Kera/Kera Island)

Asajaya Village (that is upland paddy grown by local people)

Ghost Story:Do you like it? (2)

Yeah, people. This is the 2nd story...I kinda like this one so I want to share this with you. You can shared your experience too, I loved to hear it. (sorry for my bad English)

2. Dream, a Little Dream

                Charlie PipÄ“ is standing at the old station, watching around in silence. The clock tower is dead. The old station is pretty empty. And it is still early in the morning. Then, she looked over her ticket train over and over again. The destination is supposed to be at Elska Town. But now, it seems like this is not a place that she wants to go. Maybe, she should start walking, and asked for help.

Friday, 20 April 2012

Ghost Story; Do you like it?

(Short intro) I wrote 6 ghost stories during this month. I don't know where to publish my words. Then, I saw my own blog and I think- why not I put that on here? I can write whatever I want, eh? So, here's the first one....(sorry for my bad English :p)

1. The Lighthouse Family

                My good friend, Seth bought a new fishing boat and he called it as the ‘Bloody Mary’. Then, he wants me to join the fishing voyage on weekend. I got pretty excited with her invitation. Besides, I like fishing at the open big pool. So, I called him back and prepared our things- baits for fish, life equipments such as boots, raincoat and safety clothes, food supplies and the safety of his boat.

Saturday, 14 April 2012

Supernatural Quotations

Season One
  1. House rules; driver picks the music (Pilot)
  2. Time really does fly (Phantom Traveler)
  3. Sometimes, bad things just happen (Bloody Mary)
  4. The food might be bad and the beds might be hard but at least we're living our own lives and nobody else (Scarecrow)
  5. Old habits die hard (Nightmare)
  6. There's always a chance of getting hurt (Provenance)
  7. When you shut out pain, you shut out everything else too (Provenance)
  8. There's always forgiveness for us if we seek it (Salvation)
  9. Mind your blood pressure (Salvation)
  10. God works in mysterious ways (Faith)

Season Two
  1. What's done is done (Bloodlust)
  2. Family's everything (Children Should Not Play with Dead Things)
  3. You'll never know what you'll catch (No Exit)
  4. True geniuses, they seem to die young (Crossroad Blues)
  5. My word is my bond (Crossroad Blues)
  6. Take some responsibility for yourself (Hunted)
  7. It's hard to look up when you're down (House of the Holy)
  8. All you got to do is listen (House of the Holy)
  9. Hope's kind the whole point (Road Kills)
  10. Ocean aren't boiling, frogs aren't raining from the sky (All Hell Breaks Loose Part 2

Season Three
  1. Some respect might be nice (Sin City)
  2. Everything in its own time (Sin City)
  3. Takes one to know one (Red Sky at Morning)
  4. I don't like being in anyone's debt (Red Sky at Morning)
  5. It'll all be better when you wake up (A Very Christmas)
  6. Times have changed (A Very Christmas)
  7. Sometimes you just got to let people go (Mystery Spot)
  8. There's nothing wrong with having hope (Long Distance Call)
  9. We don't always get what we want (No Rest for the Wicked)
  10. Don't flatter yourself (Time on My Side)

  Season Four
  1. Some we'll win, some we'll lose (Are you there, God? It's me, Dean Winchester)
  2. I will always love you for exactly who you are (In the Beginning)
  3. Destiny can't be changed, all roads lead to the same destination (In the Beginning)
  4. It would be nice if life was movie simple (Welcome to Pennsylvania)
  5. Life's too short to hate (Yellow Fever)
  6. Just because there's a couple of bad apples, doesn't mean the whole barrel is rotten (It's the Great Pumpkin, Sam Winchester)
  7. Be careful what you wish for (Wishful Thinking)
  8. You get what you want, you get crazy (Wishful Thinking)
  9. You just got to know where to apply the right pressure (Heaven and Hell)
  10. The great ones never give away the 'how'(Criss Angel is a Douchebag)
  11. It ends bloody or sad; that just the life (Criss Angel is a Douchebag)
  12. You don;t have to do anything you don't wanna do (After School)
  13. There may be 3 or 4 big choices that shape someone's whole life and you need to be one that makes them, not anyone else (After School)

Above: Quotations that I liked
....Pssst! Sorry, I still don't watch the 6th and 7th season...5th is in progress...enjoy quoting!

Saturday, 7 April 2012

Dreams of Sketcher

Akira Toriyama, born in 1955 was a manga artist for Dragon Ball, the most well-known anime character in the world. Children were grew up together with his imagination, the power of childhood inside Goku. Basically, the artwork had inspired me to know what sketching is all about (I like the concept about flying and punching evilness- is that term existed?). Then, I realized I love sketching (and my mom was so angry whenever I make dirt on the wall). Although I don't even think I might get a chance to be a manga artist (and I just keep my artwork nicely behind the curtain), who knows about fate? Maybe, I could stand a chance to be on the same stage like him, the great sketcher.

Akira, we shared the same date of birth (5th April- I just knew about it). Happy Birthday to You =D

When people just talk shit about me, I'll say...

1) Only people like shit will talk like a shit.
2) Your word smells like a shit.
3) You behave worse than a shit.
4) It's funny when you choose to shit with yourself.
5) It would be better if you stop babbling like a shit.


6) Oh, just turn out to be just like shit!

Friday, 6 April 2012

THE DAILY JESTER © since 1988

#Fifth Part


Choosy Dog
My brother wants to feed my auntie’s dog but the dog is refused. So, my little sister tried to persuade the dog and she succeeded. Then, my brother just got angry and said-
“Is it a male? Are you a male?”

Two-foot Beastly Animal.
I asked my friend which two-foot beastly animal that scares him most. His answer is- his crazy dad.

THE DAILY JESTER © since 1988

#Fourth Part


Don’t Mess Up With a Religious Girl.
Middle-aged man tried to seduce a young girl by sitting beside her, and she didn’t like it. When he asked her name, she just said-“I have a religion.” 

Big Tummy Perceptions.
Nayer : I got a big tummy recently.
Min : Me too. We should start diet.
Nayer : But some women like men with tummies like me.
Min : Really? I wish men liked women who had big bellies too.

THE DAILY JESTER © since 1988

# Third Part


Everything’s sponsored.
Poro : This advertisement is about clothes but those models keep showing their teeth.
Jea : It means that their teeth must be sponsored. If you were given free implants, you have
to show them.

A Lonely Singer
One male singer receives a letter from his fan. He got excited because he got least of fan rather than his other members. And his fan was wrote something which is:
“I’m a huge fan of yours. But I have no friends at school. I guess our fate is the same.”

THE DAILY JESTER © since 1988

#Second Part


Catch and Feed.
There is situation between three students who received the punishment for coming late at school-they must feed a dog.
Girl A : Just go and find the dog.
Boy B : It runs away whenever you try to feed it. It runs away when it sees me.
Boy C : Do I have to catch the dog?
Girl A : Catch the dog?
Boy B : So we can eat it?

The thrifty student is:
1. Get shower in school’s toilet.
2. Ride your friend’s vehicle to go home.
3. Recharging mobile phone at any available outlet in the class.

Sneaker shoes are GREAT!

Loves shoes 'till death (picture owns by and Nike-Just Do It!)

And finally, I got my own sneaker this YEAR!

Sneaker fans, keep lovin' sneaker! XD

THE DAILY JESTER © since 1988

#First Part


A Friend’s Betrayal.
Two good friends, Joon and Hay were joining singing competition, and they were put in different group. When it come to the last question of the song’s name, Joon is whispered to his friend and hoping that he could win the prize.
Joon : I don’t know this song’s name. Can you tell me?
Hay : A friend’s betrayal.

Large Scales.
Three good friends are having a trip at a mountain and rent a house. Then, they come out with some ideas to share.
Iba : Let’s play hide-and-seek.
Luci : There’s no fun in this house.
Feli : You want more fun? The area at here is around 8.4 million hectares, it includes
the mountain. Let’s play in large scales!