Thursday, 25 September 2014

Received Liebster Award? Whoa~

Today, I'm talking about Liebster. What's that? I received a nomination from my friend (Soleh, thanks~) and my first thought about Liebster is- a dictionary. Maybe I loved using Merriam-Webster apps too much. Then, I search a bit (Google, of course) and found some info. Liebster is somehow a chain letter, promoting bloggers and revealed personal info or habits. By the way, it's nice to know about this. I'm ready to

Oh...the Liebster Q&A, I have to answer that. Pardons my English, mistake is everywhere :)

Q&A from ILoveLoaf

1.Who is the person you look up to when you growing? Why.
My dad. When I was a child, I like asking questions to him. He can answer everything. I thought...whoa. My dad is genius.

2. What is your favourite book(s)? Reason.
First, Tenggelamnya Kapal Van Der Wijck from Hamka (Indonesia). The language inside this book is poetic. Second, 1000 Years of Annoying the French by Stephen Clarke. This book is very informative, bold, and historically obscene. Third, Mangoes and Bullets by John Agard. I like the ideas of spreading ideas in satiric ways.

3. When the first time you learn to read? Tell me one funny experience.
I was 6, the first word that I can spell is 'B-u-k-u' which means 'B-o-o-k'. Because of that word, my dad decided to put me in school. The result? For a month, I know nothing but 'b-o-o-k' only.

4. Would you suggest a good book for me to read?
Read Tenggelamnya Kapal Van Der Wijck. It's a good book to read, if you don't mind the melting-touching long words and few twisted phrases (in Indonesian).

5. Where is Niagara Falls?
America. No details because you said 'no peeking thru Google'.

6. What book gave the most impression & change the view in your life?
So far, I don't read that kind of book. Would you give me a suggestion?

7. Special character(s) that reflect you the most? Be it in anime, movie, books...anything.
Jack Skellington. Because he's skinny, always curious about something, reader and thinker...just like me.

8. When did you first fall in love? (crush, admirer..whatever)
Teenage time. But the effect of crush is temporary.

9. What is your favourite. A story behind it?
White. Because it's clean and natural...and contrary with black.

10. How did you find my blog?
Because you tell me :)

11. What kind of work you do for a living?
Writing. I published short stories...I guess I'm an author now(?)

Okay, Q&A completed. Proceed to next part...

According to Official Rules of Liebster, it's time to say random facts about me. Actually, everything about me is random. I have to picked the most random about myself.

1. Book and artwork is my top favourite.
2. I spend more at bookstore than other places when I go to shopping complex.
3. I don't drink coffee and tea. I just drink plain water, most of the time.
4. Shield is my actual name. My dad like the actress, Brooke Shields so he named me after her.
5. I teach myself to write with my left hand (and I'm right-handed person).
6. I called my laptop 'Ulquiorra'
7. I always believe that Eve stands for 'Lovely'.
8. My chat name in the past was Jack54. They thought I'm an old man.
9. There was a girl who liked me, she didn't know that I'm a girl.
10. The Growler's song is remarkable and inspiring.
11. I think I'm masculine girl. Don't you think?

I'll nominated these person below:

Mr. J, Soleh S., Lorraine, Mr. Suci/the Forgotten Prince, Alia Kamal and some other people (if they don't mind). Send me a message link, email, IG, FB...whatever you like after you answer my questions. TQ.

My questions are:

1. Tell me your favourite subject at school and why.
2. Do you love Asian or Western food?
3. Which place you wish to go?
4. What kind of gadget you really want right now?
5. What do you think about history book?
6. Which one you prefer? Gold or silver?
7. What do you want to change if you can go back to your past?
8. The best favourite part on your face is? (e.g: eyes, nose, cheeks...give me a reason)
9. The weirdest hobby of yours? Why?
10. Your favorite song all the time is? Why?
11. Give me the oddest way of you to be happy.

Emm...I'm excited to know the answer.


Tuesday, 23 September 2014

Syarikat Produksi Filem Dulu-Dulu

Beberapa bulan ni, aku suka tengok cerita Melayu lama. Kaler hitam putih. Lagi lama lagi best sebab karakter orang zaman dulu, cara hidup dulu-dulu, rekaan produk dan selera fesyen diterjemahkan dalam filem. Kata orang, filem ni sebenarnya paparan budaya. Korang boleh compare transisi perubahan pemikiran masyarakat Melayu, umumnya, melalui pembikinan filem. Kalau orang dulu suka buat filem legenda, nasihat dan kehidupan. Sekarang ni lebih pasal cinta, samseng, rempit dan genre seram. Tapi jujur aku cakap, filem seram tempatan tak seram sangat.

Sebenarnya, entri kali ni bukan pasal filem tapi syarikat produksi filem yang bertanggungjawab menghasilkan filem-filem tersebut. Minggu lepas aku tengok Saloma Biopic, nostalgia zaman dulu sangat terasa. Props yang digunakan sangat klasik dan menepati zaman. Itulah yang dikatakan 'paparan budaya'. Jadi aku nak ambil kesempatan untuk kata: Kudos to Kus Semangat Aktor by Melissa Saila and husband. Aku suka penceritaan macam ni.

Okey, ini senarai pendek syarikat produksi filem dulu-dulu. Kalau terkurang, tertinggal...sila tinggalkan info kat kotak komen. Sekian.

Shaw Brothers (Malay Film Production)

Shaw Brothers, dimiliki oleh 3 bersaudara (Runje, Runde dan Runme) menubuhkan syarikat produksi yang berpangkalan di Shanghai, China pada 1925. Pada 1958, mereka membuka syarikat produksi di Hong Kong. Industri filem Melayu di bawah urusan Shaw bermula pada 1937 iaitu di Singapura. Pada 1947 mereka dengan menubuhkan Malay Film Production (MFP) manakala ibu pejabat Shaw terletak di Kuching. Perpindahan Run Run Shaw ke Singapura seawal tahun 1928 juga membantu mengembangkan industri filem Melayu sehinggalah era pendudukan Jepun sekitar 40an. Menjelang 50an, ia kembali rancak dan didominasi barisan pelakon terkenal Melayu seperti P. Ramlee, Nordin Ahmad, S.Roomai Noor, Siput Sarawak dan lain-lain. Pada 1967, Shaw memutuskan untuk kembali semula ke Hong Kong dan menutup syarikat produksi di Singapura. Pada masa itu Singapura sudah berpisah dari gagasan Malaysia. Shaw Brothers kembali semula ke Hong Kong dan beralih ke industri drama TV iaitu melalui subsidiari TVB.

Cathay Productions dan Keris Film Organisation

Cathay Productions ditubuhkan oleh Loke Wan Tho dan ibunya, Loke Cheng Kim di Kuala Lumpur pada 1936, mengembangkan industri filem Melayu pada masa itu. Cathay Productions mendirikan panggung wayang pertama di Kuala Lumpur dan mempunyai 1200 tempat duduk serta memiliki panggung wayang berhawa dingin pertama. Pada 1939, bangunan Cathay dibina di Singapura. Pada 1953, Cathay Production bergabung dengan Keris Film Organisation dan menjadi Cathay-Keris, memberi saingan dengan MFP. Pada 1950an, Loke Wan Tho membuka pasaran di Hong Kong. Pada 1980, Cathay berdepan dengan perubahan ekonomi dan Cathay memutuskan untuk menjalankan perniagaan panggung dan menutup filem produksi.

Studio Merdeka

Pada 1961, Studio Merdeka memulakan operasi di Jalan Hulu Klang, Selangor dan dimiliki oleh peniaga tempatan iaitu H.M Shah dan rakan kongsi, Ho Ah Loke. Studio Merdeka merupakan syarikat produksi filem terbesar di Tanah Melayu pada masa itu. Barisan pelakon di Singapura berpindah ke Studio Merdeka dan menjadi salah satu punca penutupan MFP pada pertengahan 60an. Studio Merdeka menampilkan barisan pelakon Melayu seperti Mustapha Maarof, Abdullah Chik, Salmah Ahmad dan lain-lain. Pada 1966, Shaw Brothers telah mengambilalih Studio Merdeka. Pada 1985, Perbadanan Filem Nasional Malaysia (Finas) membeli Studio Merdeka dengan nilai RM1.4 juta dan menjadi pejabat perbadanan tersebut. Nama Studio Merdeka dikekalkan.

ruj: Bernama/Status Quo Industri Filem Malaysia| Wikipedia/Shaw Brothers| Wikipedia/Cathay-Keris Productions| Wikipedia/Cathay Organisation|

Sunday, 21 September 2014

From Pandan Beach with Love

Last weekend, after muscle up at Mount Gading, we (sister, me, hey brother and two other companions) off to Pandan Beach at the afternoon! Pandan Beach is one of the famous beach at Lundu, the other beach is Siar Beach. For those who loved nature, Pandan Beach might be the place you need to visit. During our trip, that day was so hot. I thought my face is going to melt down. Although the sun was too bright and each perimeter of my skin getting darker, Pandan Beach is really beautiful. So to speak, the sand is clean and I loved the big black rocks scattered over the beach.

This beach is classic!

I managed to catch some pics, and not a coincidence, my face is not included. That day was so hot, I look miserable.
Arrived at Pandan Beach, mid afternoon.
We're all thirsty.
The peaceful view at Pandan Beach. The sea
wave sounds refreshing.
Watching kids playing under coconut tree.
It's time to refill. Thirst, be gone!
Walking time, under the sun.
Everything was hot, hot, hot!
Before back to Kuching, I sat on this rock
and enjoy the scene. All my worries were
taken by the sea.
At the end, I picked some sea shells at Pandan Beach and keep it as memorable pieces. However, I forgot to clean it..until now. Hehe~


Mount Gading: Rafflesia and Adventure

After 7 years, here I am!
Date: Sunday, 14 September 2014
Location: Mount Gading, Lundu, Sarawak.
Purpose: Looking for Rafflesia and weekend blast, of course!

After 7 years (I repeat...7 years), it's been so long for me to see this place again. Gunung Gading, the magnificent and memorable mountain that always in my mind. I was 19 during my first visit. It took me a very long time to have my second visit. But still, the result ignites my school old days.

I was been told by my sister about the blooming Rafflesia and it would be withered after seven days. Last weekend, 14 September was the third or forth day if I'm not mistaken. So, we off to Gunung Gading and arrived there around 9 or 10. I don't remember.And the distance of Rafflesia location is 400 meter, but really, I was out of breath. Last weekend was full of sweat, swell and starvation.

This weekend, I do nothing. Last weekend, awesome was everywhere.

Get some info before hiking
Interesting fact that I never noticed before.
Off to meet rafflesia, with Mr. J, the photographer
and 'hey brother'.
The Rafflesia fact at the entrance of the trail.
The highest site I ever reach was Waterfall 3.
Later, we visit the camp site. I used to sleep
here 7 years ago.
My first swimming lesson was here, 7 years ago.
But still, I'm a bad swimmer.
Somewhere around Rafflesia site
(sister, me, hey brother and 2 other companions)
On the trail, Rafflesia hunting.
Monopod time!
Finally, we've found Rafflesia. This one
is old and rotten.
The other one is still in good condition.
The smell is nasty but it's beautiful.
Before hiking, self picture first.
Enjoying the slow shutter waterfall
The RM10 admission ticket. RM3 for children
and students. I wish I'm a student.
This picture was taken 7 years ago.
Am I look different now?
Credits: J-Photography.

Wednesday, 17 September 2014

Manok Pansoh (Chicken in a bamboo) Recipe

Happy Wednesday, peeps! Mari adunkan bahasa hari ni, kasi sedap. Selepas sekian lama makan ayam dalam buluh, disebut sebagai manuk pansoh/manok pansoh or chicken in a bamboo, aku decide nak masukkan resepi dalam entri. Umumnya, masakan manok pansoh ni berwarna sedikit pucat dan aku prefer sebut manok berbanding manuk sebab mostly Kuchingites rarely emphasized 'U' dalam perkataan 'manuk' but more to 'manok'. Tetiba explain pasal sebutan...Anyway, resepi manok pansoh kali ni dah diubahsuai sedikit mengikut selera family. Malay fusion gitew.

Pernah berniat nak cuba masak hidangan ni? Ini dia, Manok Pansoh recipe~


1. Ayam kampung atau ayam tua (siap dipotong)
2. Halia
3. Serai
4. Cili kering
5. Cili padi
6. Serbuk kunyit
7. Asam keping
8. Daun bungkang (daun segar atau daun kering)
9. Bawang merah
10. Bawang putih
11. Gula
12. Garam
13. Pucuk ubi

Cara Membuat:

  1. Ambil beberapa ulas bawang merah dan bawang putih. Tak payah banyak sangat. Tumbuk dalam lesung batu bersama cili kering, cili padi dan halia sampai lumat.
  2. Ketuk hujung serai, tak perlu sampai lumat. Asalkan jus serai keluar.
  3. Keluarkan bahan yang ditumbuk bersama batang serai yang diketuk dan masukkan di dalam bekas berisi ayam kampung atau ayam tua. Gaulkan bersama dan masukkan gula dan garam secukup rasa.
  4. Kemudian, masukkan sedikit serbuk kunyit bagi mencantikkan warna. Gaul sekali lagi dan perapkan selama beberapa minit.
  5. Carikkan daun bungkang dan masukkan ke dalam ayam yang diperap.
  6. Selepas itu, ambil pucuk ubi, pintalkan sehingga sebesar penumbuk dan masukkan ke dalam periuk, diikuti oleh ayam yang diperap dan masukkan asam keping. Tuangkan sedikit air sahaja.
  7. Hidupkan api dan biarkan ia mereneh sehingga bau naik

*Sesiapa yang tak pasti manok pansoh ni dah masak ke tidak (dalam periuk atau dalam buluh), periksa pucuk ubi dan ayam. Pastikan ayam mengecut dan mengeluarkan jus, pucuk ubi layu dan bau daun bungkang naik.
*Hidangan ni boleh dibuat dalam periuk atau buluh. Lebih authentic kalau guna buluh.
*Hidangan ni ambil masa sedikit kalau guna buluh, lebih cepat guna periuk.
Image result for daun bungkang
daun bungkang
*Bagi yang masak guna buluh, sebaiknya pilih ayam tua. Isi ayam muda akan tertanggal dengan mudah dalam buluh.
*Bagi orang yang menggunakan buluh, pucuk ubi dan ayam yang diperap dimasukkan secara berselang seli.
*No daun bungkang? Order dengan member dari Sarawak, jangan lupa kirim duit pos. Tak ada daun bungkang, manok pansoh is not real manok pansoh.

Selamat mencuba :)

Tuesday, 16 September 2014

Somewhere at Kuching #IniMalaysiaKita

16 September 1963, the day of Persekutuan Tanah Melayu, Sabah, Sarawak and Singapore become a nation, known as Malaysia. As a matter of fact, every Malaysian or also some of foreigners know about it. This is history of joining and uniting.

Just a short part of history-telling, it was not an easy road for Malaysia to become a nation, a country. Indonesia wants Sarawak, Philippines wants Sabah. Meanwhile, Singapore had their own issue too. There were incidents of racial riots, confrontation against the idea of Malaysia establishment and numerous curfews. Because of racial riots between Chinese and Malay, in 1965, Singapore was expelled from the federation and Singapore gained their independence in the same year. Although Sarawak already gained its independence in 22 July 1963, Sarawak decided to join Malaysia in September.

As you can see, how racial tensions can be really dramatic, out of control. So, let's us lived in harmony, accept the difference, cherish the varieties and enjoy the wonderful taste of foods (of course!)

Come on, people...#IniMalaysiaKita. So, let's roam a bit around town.

Kuching, my town. Kuching Waterfront is wide known among locals, domestic or foreigner tourists. The history is longer than you know because this place was the center of busy and always busy until today. Thanks to Brooke officer, Mr. H.D Ellis for his ideas- to design the river wall so Jalan Gambier won't collapsed into Sungai Sarawak. 

That was the first step to create what is Kuching Waterfront nowadays.

Fishing was a common and important job at Kuching. Kuching Waterfront was the main center of selling and buying or trading business back to many-many years ago. Jalan Gambier was one of the main place of loading and check point for every cargo. 

It was a busy maritime along the riverbank and before the idea of river wall, there were a lot of complaint about flood among locals and also mudflat. This Sungai Sarawak is always the place of commercialized Sarawak culture and agriculture.

Being at Kuching, street shop is common like any other places. You can buy almost everything, just named it. During Regatta, street shop is everywhere. I saw electronic gadgets, clothes, shoes, hats, all kinds of bags, makeup, phone accessories, street foods (that's what I liked), toys, handicrafts, textiles and the best thing that I saw for sale was the traditional instrument- tetawak, or also known as gong. 

Selling tetawak as one of street product? Sellers are getting creative. 

The good thing about lived harmony, happy and are allowed to sleep at the street in peace. The only sound that we could hear might be the loudness between sellers and customers. 

Just imagine if we're living in curfew situation. The campaign could be- Keep Awake, and don't sleep forever. It's kinda logic, independence and sweet dream is related.

Viewing the wide and old Sungai Sarawak, frying themselves under the hot sun. It's a good thing to do, the fastest way to get tanned. 

Back to old days, this crocodile stair (I called it like that because there's a crocodile statue over there) was not existed. It was a muddy loading bay for ships and not suitable for relaxing. Well, the good old days had passed. It's a good thing, my place is getting old but also growing young. 

India Street, also known as Kling Street during its heyday was the heart of pedestrian mall at Kuching. 
It was busy and still busy until now. Nothing is changed. The only thing that changed is the presence of the new mall, Plaza Merdeka that very closed to Padang Merdeka and Merdeka Palace.

As you can see, how 'merdeka' creates everything into a very good way.
And, this is the entrance of Lorong Sempit at India Street, straight into the historical path of the old mosque- Indian Mosque Lane or Masjid Bandar Kuching. Established in 1850s, it was a good place to get the historical feeling. And might get poetic inspiration while looking at the narrow passageway.

This place is crowded by Indians, that's how this place got its name. Yet, other neighbours (Chinese, Malay, Iban etc) got no problem with it. This is so common for us.

Last Saturday, I walked around and found this uncle with his ice-cream motorcycle. Pak cik Eskrem, that's how I called him, sit calmly and wait for his customers. Brilliant idea; the weather was so hot last weekend and he don't even bother to scream or ring a bell to get customers. The customers come straight to him.

It reminds me with my childhood. Eating ice cream is joyful, especially when you're in complete freedom.

Somewhere around spice shop, the other entrance of Lorong Sempit or the narrow passageway of Indian Mosque Lane.

This place is a center of spice. Just named it, you'll get anything you want. Local people called this as the heaven of spices. The spice lovers might be confused once they saw everything over here.

The ancient people say- spices are magic. Kuching got so many magic, I guess.

Street food looks so delicious, especially roasted chicken liver and butt. That's my favourite and it's a common street food for Kuchingites. Most of those street foods were owned by Malay hawkers. The Chinese hawkers mostly gathered under Open Air in front of Electra House.

Basically, all street foods are cheap. RM1 per stick. For drinks, RM1 per cup. If you have RM3, you can get some food to cover up your hungriness. That's the beauty.

Finally, after waiting for so many months, I captured those orang utan at Jalan Power with my Sony. No one disturbed me this time and they look happy inside three-wheel car (which is half).

Actually, the orang utan murals made by the international artist, Mr. Ernest Zacharevic from Lithuania. Thanks to him, Jalan Power looks wonderful. I hope more mural paintings at here in the future. There's a lot of empty space to draw over the wall.

Walking around Medan Niaga Satok last week and look what I've found! Ulat mulong, 1 ulat costs you 5o cent. If you killed  it, that ulat is consider sold. Huu, I won't do that. Never.

Ulat mulong is a famous food, mostly favourite by Melanau. My Iban and Bidayuh friends also loved it, they say- it tastes so creamy, so rich in fat and yummy. I don't eat this. I don't have any desire to touch it. Just look at it is good enough for me.

What a wonderful place for ulat mulong lovers. 

The last picture, the mint ice cream that I always favour. Bought this only RM2 and the whole cone is filled with ice cream. Loved it! 

There's another country, not crave about ice cream but they're craving to lived in peace, walk comfortably, sleep without worries and of course, to eat happily. We got everything in here. 51 years in good path, I hoped everything is good in 51 years ahead or 510 years in the future (or forever and ever in harmony).

Happy Malaysia Day!

Let's together in unity [themagi2014]

Thursday, 11 September 2014

My Gehenna Fragility

I'm sending this message to every corner of the world:

Memory is a gift,
The agony of remembering,
Passing through each life,
Seems like the infliction,
The persistence of misery,
The wise man say,
You are fine to me,
Yet the majority scream,
Get the hell out of here!
What kind of land I am living?
What kind of people I have seen?
The speak and word goes far,
When everything must be fair,
The economy the society,
Even the skin of race,
Every good life based on colour,
The creation of God,
Is the measure of respect,
The measure of friendship,
The measure of acceptation,
How much do I have to peel?
When peeling wasn't the answer,

So please tell me what to do?
What should I do, 
to shut your mouth
and stop blaming my fragility!

110914 Thu
image credit:

Wednesday, 10 September 2014

James Brooke: Latar Belakang yang Terang dan Gelap

Sir James Brooke (1847) by Francis Grant.jpg
Sir James Brooke
credits: Wikipedia
James Brooke, Rajah Putih yang mengasaskan kerajaan Sarawak dan menubuhkan Dinasti Brooke yang disambung oleh anak saudaranya, Charles Johnson. Hampir semua orang tahu akan sejarah tersebut. James Brooke mendapat Sarawak sebagai hadiah melalui Kesultanan Brunei kerana James Brooke berjaya menentang lanun yang berleluasa di Sarawak (iaitu Kuching). Seperti yang dicatatkan, James Brooke seorang yang ramah, penjelajah yang bercita-cita tinggi dan sering digambarkan oleh penulis-penulis Barat sebagai pemuda Inggeris yang hebat. 

Kedatangan James Brooke adalah sebahagian daripada sejarah di Sarawak dan tiada siapa yang menafikan kewujudan James Brooke sebagai Rajah Putih yang Pertama. Masalahnya, hasil penulisan dari Barat juga dilihat berat sebelah kerana memuji-muji tindakan James Brooke datang ke Sarawak dan dianggap sebagai penyelamat. Orang tempatan pula dikatakan tidak bertamadun dan kewujudan kuasa imperialis di Sarawak adalah percambahan kuasa Barat. Hasilnya, sejarah kerajaan lampau di Sarawak seperti Santubong, Sadong, Tandang Sari dan banyak lagi tenggelam di dalam kisah Dinasti Brooke yang bertahan selama 100 tahun sahaja (1841-1941). Tapi memandangkan James Brooke tiada pewaris sah dan Charles hanya anak saudara, secara logiknya Dinasti Brooke bertahan dari tahun 1842 hingga 1868 iaitu selama 26 tahun sahaja. Tahun-tahun yang selebihnya adalah milik Dinasti Johnson secara tidak langsung. Dalam tempoh 26 tahun memerintah, latar belakang James Brooke masih didebatkan oleh sejarawan dari dulu sehingga sekarang.

Latar Belakang James Brooke

Nama penuh: James Brooke (dengan gelaran 'Sir')
Tarikh/Tempat lahir: 29 April 1803, Bandel, berdekatan dengan Calcutta, India (dibaptis di Benares)
Meninggal Dunia: 11 Jun 1868, Burrator di United Kingdom. Dikuburkan di Devon.
Nama Bapa: Thomas Brooke (Hakim Mahkamah Rayuan Inggeri di tanah jajahan India)
Nama Ibu: Anna Maria Brooke (anak perempuan Kolonel William Stuart, 9th Lord Blantyre dari Scotland)
Adik beradik: Empat orang saudara perempuan. Emma Frances Johnson, ibu kepada Kapten Brooke dan Charles Brooke merupakan adik perempuan James Brooke.
Pangkat Tertinggi: KCB (Knight Commander of the Order of The Bath)

  • Tentera Bengal (1819-1825, bertempur dalam perang pertama Inggeris-Burma)
  • Saudagar (sekitar tahun 1830 tetapi tidak berjaya)
  • Pengembara (1833, selepas mendapat harta warisan 30 ribu pound sterling dan membeli kapal 142 tan The Royalist)
  • Penjelajah (1838, tiba di Kuching dan membantu Sultan Brunei membanteras lanun)
  • Raja Muda (1841, dilantik oleh Sultan Brunei)
  • Rajah Putih Pertama Sarawak (1842, secara rasmi)
Pasangan: Tiada (Pernah bertunang dengan anak perempuan vikaris/paderi tetapi hubungan tidak menjadi. Juga pernah berhubungan dengan seorang wanita kaya yang pernah meminjamkan wang kepada James Brooke. Hubungan mereka juga tidak menjadi. James Brooke lebih suka ditemani oleh lelaki-lelaki muda dan kehidupan James Brooke di asrama sebagai kadet muda digambarkan sebagai "it had been my fortune to meet")

Pengganti takhta:
  • Anak Emma Frances Johnson iaitu Kapten John Brooke Johnson-Brooke (1861, dinamakan sebagai calon tetapi digugurkan kerana Kapten Brooke mengkritik cara pentadbiran beliau)
  • Anak Emma Frances Johnson iaitu Charles Anthoni Johnson Brooke (dilantik secara sah dan menjadi Rajah Kedua pada 1868 hingga 1917)
Skandal Hidup James Brooke
  • Pada 1851, James Brooke dituduh melakukan jenayah perang terhadap penduduk asli di Sarawak, melakukan penyamaran dalam operasi anti-lanun. Kes dibawa ke jabatan penyiasatan di Singapura pada 1854. Kes digugurkan selepas penyiasatan tapi tuduhan jenayah tersebut terus menghantui James Brooke.
  • Nota beremosi yang ditujukan James Brooke kepada seorang anak raja di Sarawak, Badruddin iaitu "My love for him was deeper than anyone knew" dianggap sebagai mesej cinta dan James Brooke dilihat sama ada homoseksual ataupun biseksual.
  • James Brooke dituduh membuat hubungan dengan remaja berusia 16 tahun, Charles T.C. Grant, cucu lelaki ke-7 Earl of Elgin pada 1848. Hubungan antara mereka tidak diperjelaskan sama ada berkawan baik atau sebaliknya.
  • James Brooke tidak berkahwin tetapi mempunyai hubungan sulit dengan seorang wanita dan mempunyai anak lelaki luar nikah bernama Rueben G. Walker.
  • James Brooke dikatakan pernah berkahwin dengan adik perempuan Raja Muda Hashim yang bernama Pengiran Fatimah ketika tinggal di Brunei dan mempunyai seorang lagi anak. Perkara ini tidak dapat dipastikan.
Anak lelaki James Brooke:
  • Rueben George Walker (1836), dijaga oleh Frances Walker dan tinggal di kediaman Brighton. Pada 1858, Rueben menyedari susur galur keturunannya. Menerusi banci dari pihak gereja Plumtree, Nottinghamshire pada 1871, Rueben dicatatkan sebagai George Brooke, lahir di Sarawak, Borneo dan berusia 40 tahun pada waktu itu. Rueben berkahwin pada 1862, mempunyai 7 orang anak tetapi hanya 3 saja yang hidup. Anak pertama diberi nama James. Rueben terkorban dalam nahas kapal SS British Admiral karam yang dalam perjalanan ke Australia.
  • Anak kedua, nama tidak diketahui. Dijaga dan dipelihara oleh menteri di Tooting. Menteri tersebut sudah mengangkat sumpah untuk menyimpan identiti sebenar anak kedua. Sebagai balasan, menteri tersebut diberi sokongan dari segi kewangan. Anak kedua tersebut dipercayai berlayar ke Australia pada usia 19 tahun dan akhirnya menetap sebagai peladang anggur (pembuat wain) di Australia. Maklumat ini diperoleh melalui kajian yang dilakukan oleh John Walker, sejarawan dari Australia.
Kontroversi Seksualiti James Brooke:
  • Nota James Brooke kepada Badruddin merupakan isu homoseksual James Brooke yang terawal.
  • Hubungan James Brooke dengan Charles T.C. Grant dipersoal.
  • Menurut catatan Hugh Low dan Spencer St. John yang bekerja di bawah pentadbiran James Brooke, mereka menyedari beberapa sifat kewanitaan dalam diri James Brooke.
  • Sifat kewanitaan Brooke dipercayai kesan pengaruh empat saudara perempuan dan ibunya yang rapat dengannya.
  • Sifat kewanitaan Brooke merujuk kepada kelakuan James Brooke yang suka melantik lelaki muda sebagai kakitangan awam. Beliau mudah tertarik dengan lelaki muda seperti Hugh Low dan Spencer St.John.
  • Kecederaan masa bertempur sebagai askar Bengal dikatakan menjadi penyebab James Brooke mandul. Tetapi ia disangkal dengan kehadiran anak luar nikah. Seksualiti James Brooke masih dipersoalkan.
  • Walaupun isu homoseksual atau biseksual James Brooke diragui oleh sesetengah pihak, perkara ini masih dibincangkan dan didebatkan dalam penstrukturan sejarah di Sarawak.
Kontroversi sebagai Rajah Putih:
  • James Brooke membawa imej lelaki bujang yang suci. Kecederaan di bahagian kemaluan dikatakan menjadi punca James Brooke tidak menjalin hubungan dengan mana-mana wanita, sekaligus dilihat sebagai suci. Ia dikatakan pembohongan terbesar bagi menutup cerita berkenaan dengan seksualiti beliau.
  • Membawa imej bujang dan suci seiring dengan karakter Jesus dan memudahkan beliau menyebarkan dakwah Kristianiti. Penduduk tempatan, terutama sekali kaum Iban dan Bidayuh terpesona dengan James Brooke dan menukar agama mereka James Brooke sendiri pernah mencatatkan, penduduk Sarawak terpukau dengannya dan sanggup mencuci tangan dan kaki James Brooke. Air basuhan itu pula dipercik ke seluruh rumah dan kebun mereka.
  • James Brooke memilih nama Rajah sebagai simbolik nama pemerintah. Rajah merupakan singkatan nama Maharajah yang sering digunakan oleh pemerintah di India untuk menekan konsep dewaraja (god-king). James Brooke juga menggunakan konsep yang sama bagi memudahkan penyebaran Kristianiti dan Jesus di kalangan penduduk Sarawak.
  • James Brooke menjalankan pendidikan sekular berasaskan philospher-king bagi menguatkan kepatuhan penduduk yang pada masa itu belum celik.
  • James Brooke dilihat sebagai hero yang romantik di Barat dan beliau dijadikan sebagai karakter dalam penulisan dan rencana-rencana popular.

Ruj: Wikipedia/James Brooke|| Sejarah Melayu, 24 April 2007, kertas kerja Sanib Said (Felo Unimas), Pensejarahan Melayu: Memperbaharui Makna Lama| Wikipedia/CharlesBrooke