Wednesday, 23 January 2013

Nabi Muhammad S.A.W: Nabi dan Rasul Sepanjang Zaman

Nabi Muhammad S.A.W, nabi dan rasul terakhir yang sentiasa menjadi ingatan di dalam setiap umat Islam di seluruh dunia. Maulidur Rasul adalah hari untuk meraikan kelahiran baginda yang menjadi pendorong, pemimpin, penasihat dan juga pendakwah yang paling disayangi dan dihormati oleh golongan Muslim. Di sebalik keagungan Nabi Muhammad S.A.W, nabi dan rasul sepanjang zaman, kehalusan budi pekerti baginda adalah yang terindah dan terpuji.

Nabi Muhammad S.A.W mempunyai kelebihan daripada manusia lain. Selain dari memiliki mukjizat dan kepimpinan sebagai ketua, baginda memiliki keperibadian yang indah. Selain dari sifat sabar, tawaduk, amanah dan  digelar sebagai Al-Amin, baginda memiliki beberapa ciri-ciri keperibadian yang lain seperti:

1. Baginda tidak kisah berlapar.

Diriwayatkan oleh Muslim dan Abu Daud dari Aisyah r.a, bahawa berkata: "Adalah Rasulullah SAW apabila masuk ke dalam rumah di waktu pagi hari, baginda bertanya kepada keluarganya; "apakah kamu mempunyai makanan?" Maka apabila dijawab; "tidak", baginda berkata; "Jika begitu, sungguh aku berpuasa."

2. Baginda tidak selesa tidur di tempat yang terlalu selesa.

Diriwayatkan Nabi SAW tidur di atas tikar yang diperbuat dari kulit yang diisi dnegan sabut. Kemudian, alas tidur Nabi SAW dibuat empat lapis. Setelah menjelang pagi, baginda bertanya:
"Apa alas yang kamu bentangkan untuk aku semalam?" Beliau (Hafsah) menjawab; "Alas itu tidak lain tidak bukan alas tuan, tetapi kami jadikan empat lapis, agar lebih empuk untuk tuan."

Nabi SAW bersabda: "Hendaklah kamu kembalikan seperti biasa, sebagaimana keadaannya dulu, kerana keempukannya itu menghalangi aku dari mengerjakan solat di tengah malam."

3. Baginda mempunyai sifat pemalu melebihi gadis muda

Diriwayatkan oleh al-Bukhari dan lain-lain dari Abu Said al-Khudri r.a, ia berkata: "Adalah Rasulullah SAW itu lebih sangat pemalu daripada gadis-gadis pingitannya; dan apabila baginda tidak menyukai sesuatu, kami mengetahuinya kerana kelihatan di mukanya."

Diriwayatkan oleh Ibnu al-Jauzi dari Ummu Salamah r.a, ia berkata: "Adalah Rasulullah SAW apabila baginda mendatangi seorang dari isteri-isterinya, baginda memejamkan kedua matanya dan menutup kepalanya."

4. Baginda tertawa dengan cara yang tersendiri.

Diriwayatkan oleh Ahmad dari Jabir bin Samurah r.a, ia berkata: "Adalah Rasulullah SAW itu lama diamnya, sedikit tertawanya."

Diriwayatkan oleh Tirmizi dari Abdullah bin Harith r.a, ia berkata: "Aku belum pernah melihat seseorang yang lebih banyak tersenyumnya daripada Rasulullah SAW."

Diriwayatkan oleh Baghawi dari Walid Murrah r.a, ia berkata bahawa apabila Rasulullah SAW terlanjur dengan ketawa, baginda meletakkan tangannya pada mulutnya.

5. Baginda dan sifat humor

Diriwayatkan oleh Tirmizi dalam Asy-Syama'il dengan sanad yang mursal dari al-Hasan al-Basri, ia berkata bahawa pada suatu hari Nabi SAW didatangi oleh seorang perempuan tua yang memohon agar dirinya dimasukkan ke dalam syurga. Maka, baginda bersabda: "Hai Ummu Fulan, sesungguhnya syurga itu tidak akan dimasuki oleh perempuan tua." Lantas, perempuan tua itu pun berlalu sambil menangis. Oleh sebab Nabi SAW tahu bahawa perempuan tua tersebut salah faham akan sabda baginda maka para sahabat menjelaskan maksud tersebut yakni Allah berfirman: "Bahawasanya Kami menjadikan mereka (orang-orang perempuan) itu dengan kejadian yang baru; maka Kami menjadikan mereka itu gadis-gadis, remaja belia; berkasih kasihan dengan suami serta bersamaan usia."

Diriwayatkan oleh Abu Daud dan Tirmizi dari Anas r.a, ia berkata; Nabi SAW pernah berkata (memanggil) kepadaku: "Hai yang mempunyai dua telinga."

Juga diriwayatkan oleh Zaid bin Aslam bahawa Nabi SAW didatangi oleh seorang wanita bernama Ummu Aiman yang meminta baginda datang menemui suaminya. Apabila Nabi SAW mendengar permintaan wanita tersebut baginda berkata: "Siapakah dia? Apakah dia yang di matanya ada putihnya?" Wanita tersebut menjawab tidak, namun Nabi SAW berkata: " Ya, tentu di matanya ada putihnya" dan bersabda, "Tidak ada daripada seorang pun, melainkan di matanya mesti ada putihnya."

6. Cara Baginda menunjukkan rasa suka atau duka.

Diriwayatkan oleh Ibnu Mandah dari Suhail bin Sa'ad r.a ia berkata: "Adalah Rasulullah SAW apabila menyukai sesuatu (perkataan atau perbuatan), baginda diam."

Diriwayatkan dari Abu Nu'aim dari Abi Hurairah r.a, ia berkata: "Adalah Rasulullah SAW apabila berdukacita, baginda membanyakkan menyentuh janggutnya."

Juga diriwayatkan oleh Bukhari dan Muslim dari Ka'ab bin Malik r.a, ia berkata: "Adalah Rasulullah SAW apabila gembira, berseri-serilah wajah baginda, seolah-olah sepotong dari bulan."

Antara sifat lain yang ada pada Rasulullah SAW
1. Baginda tidak suka menguap ketika di dalam solat (Tirmizi, Abi Umamah r.a)
2. Baginda tidak suka bersin dengan kuat di dalam majlis (Al-Baihaqi, Abu Hurairah r.a)
3. Baginda suka mengubah nama yang buruk kepada nama yang elok (Tirmizi, Aisyah r.a)
4. Baginda tidak pernah menonjolkan kedua lututnya (Al-Qadhi Iyadh, Asy-Syifa')
5. Baginda memberi salam terlebih dahulu sebelum menjabat tangan sahabatnya   
    (Thabarani, Jundub r.a)
6. Baginda tidak berjabat tangan dengan wanita lain, melainkan wanita yang sudah baginda  
    miliki (Bukhari, Muslim, Aisyah r.a)

Berdasarkan firman Allah SWT menerusi Al-Qalam:4, Allah SWT memuji, "Dan sesungguhnya engkau (Muhammad) sentiasa dalam budi pekerti yang luhur."

p/s: Selawat dan puji-pujian ke atas junjungan Nabi SAW. Salam Maulidur Rasul.
Izzuddin, A., M. (1998). Keperibadian Nabi Muhammad SAW- Perniagaan Jahabersa: Johor Bharu.
Abdullah, A. (1986). Nabi nabi dalam Al Quran- Pustaka Al Azhar: Kuala Lumpur.


Monday, 21 January 2013

Numbers and Symbolics

Numbers, the collection of digits. The independent item for pure mathematics and beyond the abstract idealization of continuous variables. In many traditions, they were linked with cosmic principles, governing the movement of the moon, the theory of algebra and geometry, and now, the computer. Pythagoras (c569-475 bc), the mathematician in ancient Greece is quoted as saying:

"Number rule all things."

That's the best way to describe numerology is one of the oldest sciences of symbols.

Number one (1) represents the beginning, the symbol of creation. It is depicted as the staff, the standing stone or the erect phallus. Its is the number of God for the monotheistic religion. According to Carl Jung, the famous psychologists, one represents the unifying symbol. The Native American believed that one represents Grandfather Sun and fire, which means the sparks of life. Number one refers the importance as an individual and it represents the male principle according to Pythagorean theory.

Taoist, the Chinese teaching believed that the number two (2) represents the universe where the universe is made up of polarity, expressing the theory of Yin and Yang, the pairs, duality, separating the creator and creation, man and woman, dark and light. Two become the influence in many culture and regard as sets of two as the Native American believed that two represents Grandmother Earth, the body and death. Pythagorean theory said that two represents the female principle.Two also represents the symbol of twins, the double forces, and the warring spirits.

The number three (3) consist the aspect of creation; birth, life and death; past, present and future; mind, body and soul. For Chinese, three represents the perfect number to express the wholeness and fulfillment; Heaven, Earth and Humanity. In Pythagorean theory, three is the harmony number; the union of unity (ONE) and diversity (TWO). In Islam, three means the soul and three is the earth.

The number four (4) is related to the cardinal directions, the four seasons, the elements and the phases of moon. In Islam, it represents the matter while in Christianity, four represents to the Four Evangelists. Four is depicted as the square symbol, suggesting the idea of stability and solidity. In Hindu, the number four is divine for the Four Hindu Vedas as the Japanese is believed the number four or shi sounds like death so four is a death number. In Pythagorean theory, it represents perfection.

According to Pythagorean theory, humanity is related to the number five (5); the human body with its four limbs and head. In Native American, five denotes the human as a sacred being, bridging the gap between earth and sky. The Chinese believed that five consist two (yin) and three (yang), the harmonic union. In India, five represents fire, earth, water, air and ether. For Muslims, five represents the pray, and the five pillars of Islam.

In China, the number six (6) means the celestial power and longevity. It signifies the harmony and balance is linked with the universal human with the shape of hexagon or six pointed star, which becomes the emblem of Judaism. In Pythagorean theory, six means justice while six is the basic teaching in Buddhism; the six realms of existence. In Christianity, six related to sin in New Testament Book of Revelation and 666 becomes the number of beast of the Apocalypse. The 24 hours also related with the number six (2+4=6).

The number seven (7) has widespread significance in magic and divine mystery. There are seven planets in antiquity (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn), seven days in a week, seven colours of rainbow, seven main chakras in human body, and seven branches to the shaman cosmic tree. In ancient Egypt, there were seven gods of light and darkness, as seven is the symbol of eternal life. In Judaism, the New Year begins in the seventh month of Jewish calendar. For Muslims, they believed in seven stages of heaven, seven hells, and seven levels of earth. In Christianity, seven is the number of  heavenly virtues as well as the deadly sins. Seven associates with seven holes in human's head; nose, mouth, eyes and ears.

Eight (8) is the number of cosmic balance. The Taoists teaching believed in number eight; the Eight Immortals, and the Eight Precious Things. In Hindu, god Vishnu has eight arms to correspond to the eight guardians of the space. In Buddhism, eight represents the dharmachakra, the eight spoked wheel of life and the eight petals of the lotus. For Chinese, eight means lucky.

The number nine (9) represents the triple power of three. It associates with the pregnancy stages, the number of gestation and the fulfillment of creation. In China, nine is highly auspicious because it is the number of celestial spheres. For Aztecs, nine represents nine-storey temple echoed the nine heavens. In Native American, nine signifies the moon, change and movement. For Muslims, nine represents the ninth month of holy Ramadhan in Hijr calendar.

Ten (10) means the divine power in Pythagorean theory. It is the number of Ten Commandments in the Bible. The Native American called it as the intellect. 

Additional info:

Eleven (11) means the repetitive. It represents the qualities of human; sensitivity, honesty, patience, spiritual, intuition and idealistic. It also represents sin; transgression and peril. When the number is broken down, it becomes 1 and 1, the symbol of twins, the pillars and duality. It is related to the energy of opposition and the balancing. In England, the 12 almond paste is on top of Easter cake but one is excluded because it represents Judas Iscariot so eleven becomes the main number. Eleven is the only number who can understand whether is written up or down and some said that watching 11: 11 on the clock spontaneously means someone is remembering you.

In Christian symbolism, twelve (12) is the number of universal fulfillment, 12 disciples of Christ and the Tribe of Israel, one of it was Judah. It is related with the space time continuum; the zodiac, the months of the year -the solar year). Twelve means the complete of the cycle and it becomes the important number for the Israelites; the twelve stones in Genesis, the twelve portions in Exodus, and twelve part in the land of Israel. Twelve associates with time; 12 hours for day and night.

Thirteen is always considered as unlucky in the West. The superstitious belief said that 13 derived from the Last Supper theory (Christ and his 12 disciples-including the betrayer, Judas Iscariot). The Kabbalah lists 13 evils in the teaching and the Westerners believed the Friday 13th is the the most unlucky night. However, Islam did not consider this number as unlucky and the ancient Greece believed that 13 represents their god, Zeus, the 13th deity and important number in Mexican astronomy, calendars and theology. In Native American, 13 represents the Goddess.

The Ultimate Illustrated Guide to DSS (Hermes House:2007)


Perlambangan Mesir Purba di Zaman Moden

Mesir Purba kaya dengan binaan bersejarah, Piramid, kisah-kisah mistik, sejarah kehidupan pemerintah yakni Firaun, kekayaan harta benda, kesenian dan budaya, serta pelbagai jenis ilmu, termasuk ilmu kematian. Golongan Mesir Purba sangat menitikberatkan soal kematian mereka, bagaimana mayat mereka diuruskan, jampi serapah yang harus digunakan dan penggunaan tangkal kematian yang akan mengiringi mereka ke alam kekal. 

Walaupun Mesir Purba kini hanya tinggal sejarah di mata dunia, beberapa perlambangan mereka terus hidup di zaman moden dan tersirat di dalam kehidupan kita pada masa kini.

Perlambangan Mesir Purba: Tangkal kematian

Mesir Purba mempunyai 104 jenis simbol tangkal kematian, ditemui di depan pintu masuk kompleks kuil yang dibina untuk Osiris, di kuil Hathor di Dendera. Dahulu, tangkal berperanan untuk melindungi mayat yang sudah diawet dari gangguan kuasa jahat. Kini, ia dijadikan simbolik atau lambang untuk beberapa perkara.

Ankh merupakan tangkal yang sinonim dengan Mesir Purba yang membawa maksud 'kehidupan, kestabilan dan kuasa'. Ia berbentuk seperti ikatan dan berkaitan dengan elemen udara dan air. Walaupun ankh dikatakan tidak ada kaitan dengan ajaran Kristian tetapi secara tidak langsung, ia menyerupai seperti tanda salib dan pernah didebatkan bahawa tanda ikatan di atas diibaratkan seperti titisan air mata yang terbalik. Simbol ankh juga mempengaruhi industri permainan seperti World of Warcraft, Ultima dan The Crash Bandicoot. Ia juga mempengaruhi siri kartun kanak-kanak seperti Nickeledeon House of Anubis dan juga siri anime Yu-Gi-Oh.

Eye of Horus ialah tangkal perlindungan, kuasa diraja dan juga kesihatan yang baik. Lambang tangkal ini merujuk kepada dewi Wadjet, dari perkataan 'wadj' yang bermaksud 'hijau' (juga dieja sebagai Wedjat yang merujuk kepada perkataan 'wedja' yang bermaksud 'kesejahteraan'). Pada awalnya, ia dikenali sebagai the Eye of Ra sebelum ditukar menjadi the Eye of Horus dan menjadi tangkal yang paling banyak digunakan pada mumia dari zaman Kerajaan Lama. Pada zaman kini, the Eye of Horus dikaitkan dengan golongan pemuja ilmu ghaib, filem-filem Hollywood seperti Tomb Rider dan National Treasure, persatuan Freemason, termasuk organisasi gelap Illuminati yang mengawal negara-negara besar masa kini. Lambang mata satu ini juga terpampang di atas duit kertas 1 dolar negara Amerika yang membawa makna kebijaksanaan dan pendedahan.

Scarab, atau khefer (tangkal berbentuk kumbang) ialah tangkal popular bagi Mesir Purba yang dilihat membawa maksud kebangkitan, kehidupan baru dan idea penciptaan. Peranan Scarab lebih dari sekadar tangkal kematian, ia juga dijadikan sebagai bentuk barangan kemas, azimat bertuah dan hadiah kasih sayang. Pada zaman kini, scarab dijelmakan secara tidak langsung dalam kereta keluaran Jerman iaitu Volkswagen Beetle yang diinspirasikan dari kumbang, dan menurut kertas kerja Bret C. Ratcliffe dari University of Nebraska-Lincoln yang bertajuk Scarab Beetles in Human Culture, teori kaitan antara kumbang rusa dengan kebangkitan Christ diterima secara meluas malah pelukis Jerman, Albrecht Durer meletakkan simbol kumbang bersama Christ di dalam lukisan beliau. Tetikus komputer juga menyerupai scarab.

Djed merupakan tangkal kehidupan dan kematian bagi golongan Mesir Purba. Ia diinspirasikan dari tulang belakang Osiris dan membawa maksud kestabilan. Bentuk Djed menyerupai tiang, diletakkan di bahagian tulang pinggul mumia bagi tujuan kebangkitan semula dan hidup abadi di alam kekal. Pada masa kini, ia kelihatan dalam beberapa bentuk dan struktur, mungkin seperti Menara Eiffel, buah catur (rook) ataupun binaan menara oriental. Djed juga merujuk kepada golongan yang terlibat dengan dunia material dan spiritual, juga disebut sebagai axis mundi

Simbolik tangkal yang lain

Lotus: simbol bunga teratai biru dikaitkan sebagai kemabukan dan memberi makna mistik dalam kehidupan dan cahaya. Ia juga merujuk kepada seksualti dan keseronokan deria. Simbol bunga teratai pada masa kini lebih kepada sifat keagamaan (Buddha dan Hindu), dijelmakan dalam siri kartun Nickelodeon The Legend of Korra (patung Aang bersama bunga teratai), jenama kereta (Lotus Cars), dan menjadi bunga kebangsaan di India.

Khefa: Simbol penumbuk atau khefa ialah tangkal yang dikaitkan dengan prinsip seksualiti wanita. Ia juga disebut sebagai 'The God's Hand'. Pada masa kini, ia dihubungkan dengan frasa 'get a grip on your feelings'. Bukan itu saja, simbol penumbuk digunakan dalam pelbagai jenis poster perang, filem dan juga zaman revolusi (rujuk Raised Fist di Wikipedia)

Nefer sign: Nefer yang membawa maksud 'kegembiraan' dan 'kecantikan' merupakan simbol tangkal untuk tuah, bahagia dan awet muda. Golongan Mesir Purba percaya bahawa tangkal Nefer memberi mereka kuasa untuk menikmati kehidupan serta kekal cantik. Tangkal Nefer menyerupai sudu yang terbalik dan kelihatan seperti alat muzik gambus, sitar dan erhu. 

Other Ref:
Lorna Oakes and Lucia Gahlin; Ancient Egypt (2010: Hermes House)
Mark O'Connell, Raje Airey and Richard Craze; The Ultimate Illustrated Guide to DSS (2007: Hermes House)
Wikipedia Encyclopedia.

Wednesday, 16 January 2013

Kes Bunuh Yang 'Terapung'

Pembunuhan merupakan kes jenayah yang berlaku pada setiap zaman; Qabil membunuh Habil adalah jenayah pertama di dunia (QS Al-Mai'dah:27-32), diikuti dengan jenayah Cleopatra membunuh adik perempuannya, Arsinoe demi takhta kerajaan, pembunuhan Abbey Lincoln dan Kennedy oleh pembunuh upahan, kematian Puteri Diana yang masih dipersoalkan dan juga pelbagai lagi kes bunuh yang berlaku di kalangan orang ternama dan orang biasa. Namun, terdapat juga kes-kes pembunuhan yang popular yang belum berjaya diselesaikan sehinggalah ke hari ini dan menjadi misteri.

1. Kes Jack The Ripper

Jack The Ripper merupakan pembunuh kejam di Britain pada tahun 1888. Membunuh pelacur wanita dengan membelah perut dan menoreh muka mangsa dengan senjata tajam, mangsa dibiarkan di lorong-lorong gelap. Organ dalaman mangsa juga turut dipotong dan dikirimkan kepada pihak polis sebagai 'usikan'.   Kegagalam pihak polis menangkap JTR menyebabkan ramai pihak polis meletakkan jawatan akibat malu, kes JTR tidak ditutup dan JTR bebas tanpa dakwaan.

2.  Kes Black Dahlia

Elizabeth Short atau dikenali sebagai Black Dahlia seorang pelakon wanita Amerika yang terkenal pada sekitar 40-an. Beliau ditemui mati dipotong pada 15 Januari 1947 di Leimert Park, Los Angeles. Kes Black Dahlia gagal diselesaikan walaupun 60 orang tampil sebagai saksi.

3. Kes The Zodiac

The Zodiac ialah pembunuh bersiri pada lewat 60-an, membunuh 5 orang mangsa dalam lingkungan usia 16-29 tahun. Walaupun pihak polis berjaya menangkap 2500 orang suspek yang disyaki, kes tersebut tetap gagal diselesaikan.

4. Kes The Beautiful Cigar Girl

Mary Rogers, juga dikenali sebagai the Beautiful Cigar Girl ialah kerani di kedai tembakau milik John Anderson di New York. Kecantikan beliau menarik ramai perhatian pengunjung dan menguntungkan Anderson dalam masa yang sama. Pada 5 Oktober 1838, beliau dilaporkan hilang dan ibunya mendakwa bahawa Mary meninggalkan nota bunuh diri di atas meja. Tapi menurut tunangan Mary, Daniel Payne, beliau dikatakan hanya menziarahi kawannya di Brooklyn. Kemudian, pada 28 Julai 1841, mayat Mary dijumpai terapung di Sungai Hudson, New Jersey dan pembunuh Mary menjadi tanda tanya.

5. Kes Barbara dan Patricia Grimes

Barbara dan Patricia Grimes, dua beradik yang hilang selepas menonton film Elvis Presley di Chicago, Illinois pada tahun 1956 ditemui mati di tepi jalan Willow Spring, Illinois pada 22 Januari 1957 dalam keadaan bogel dan lebam serta tanda di seluruh badan. Kesan tusukan (seperti tusukan ais) di dada mangsa gaagl dijelaskan dan kes gagal diselesaikan.

6. Kes The Boy in the Box

Kes The boy in the box merupakan kes seorang mayat kanak-kanak lelaki ditemui di dalam kotak kadbod, dibalut dengan selimut murah tanpa pakaian di Susquehanna, Northeast Philadelphia pada tahun 1957. Kanak-kanak lelaki berusia 4-6 tahun, Kaukasian dan tiada identiti pengenalan diri itu dijumpai dengan rambut yang dipotong kemas, bersih, lengan disilangkan dengan cermat, berkuku pendek dan lebam di anggota badan, terutama sekali muka dan kepala. Walaupan DNA telah diambil dan disiasat, kes tersebut masih belum ditutup sehingga ke hari ini.

7. Kes Dian Fossey

Dian Fossey, dicalonkan dalam anugerah Oscar untuk filem Gorilla in the Mist merupakan pakar zoologi dari Amerika yang mengabadikan hidupnya dalam kajian dan perlindungan gorila di Afrika. Beliau ditemui mati ditetak kejam dengan parang yang menjadi hiasan di dinding rumah kabin beliau pada 1985 tanpa sebarang kecurian barang berharga. Motif pembunuhan dikatakan berkaitan dengan politik ataupun niat individu tetapi kes tersebut gagal diselesaikan walaupun ramai suspek ditangkap dan disoal siasat.

8. Kes JonBenet Ramsey

JonBenet Ramsey, seorang model kanak-kanak ditemui mati sebelum menyambut ulang tahun ke-6 selepas Krismas tahun 1996 di ruang simpanan wain di rumah beliau dalam keadaan terjerut. Semasa JonBenet hilang, keluarganya menerima nota tebusan dari seseorang yang tidak diketahui. Keluarga JonBenet dituduh membunuh anak mereka sendiri atas alasan pengabaian dan penderaan kanak-kanak namun nama keluarga Ramsey dibersihkan dari kes tersebut pada 2008. 

9. Kes Taman Shud/The Somerton Man

Seorang lelaki dalam usia 40-an ditemui mati di tepi pantai di Adelaide, Australia pada 1 Disember 1948 tanpa pengenalan diri dan segala label di badan beliau dibuang. Pihak polis menemui secebis nota yang tertulis perkataan 'Taman Shud', yang memberi pihak polis teori terhadap buku koleksi puisi The Rubaiyat oleh Omar Khayyam. Kemudian, buku tersebut ditemui di dalam kereta milik beliau di tapak jenayah kedua dan mendapati terdapat senarai nombor telefon dan juga surat-surat yang mungkin tersirat kod rahsia. Pihak polis berjaya menghubungi salah satu nombor telefon yang disenaraikan dalam buku milik mangsa namun pemilik nombor telefon tersebut, seorang wanita, menyatakan bahawa dia tidak mengenali si mangsa dan tidak tahu nama mangsa. Akhirnya, kes tersebut tergantung dan gagal menemui jawapan.

10. Tupac Shakur dan B.I.G Notorius

Tupac Shakur, penyanyi dan rapper Amerika terkenal dan menjadi legenda ditembak mati pada 7 September 1996 selepas menonton perlawanan Mike Tyson di MGM Grand Las Vegas, Nevada. Beliau dihantar ke hospital sebaik saja ditembak oleh seseorang yang tidak dikenali yang menaiki kereta Cadillac semasa beliau singgah di Flamingo Road. Beberapa bulan kemudian, B.I.G juga menemui ajal dengan cara yang sama dan pembunuh gagal dijejaki.


Monday, 14 January 2013

How to Weak Yourself?

Normal posts would said about regaining a good health, stay healthy or maintaining the energy. But this post is different. No one talks about destroying your body, in a good manner (not a force suicidal). For those who didn't know how to weak yourself (or my hidden purpose is to reveal the reason why you feel so weak recently, I made that title just to attract you and at the same time I hope that you can fixed your own overall body weakness, haha~). My word here is the mirror, please understand it in opposite way, so, here it is:

[Warnings: this post is not for people who mentally disturbed, a person with psychological problem, children below 12, teenagers who involved in suicide or multiple absence at the school, the frustrated old folks, any humans who easily get fascinated by death and pure dumb people.]

Eat too much

Eating more than your stomach can make you weak easily. The stomach engine work harder than usual to digest large amount of foods to become energy and the rest of it, the collection of filth and fats.

Sleeping beauty

Sleeping is a beauty, to recharge the body and to maintain the youth. However, having a long-long sleep, or overslept makes you weak, especially your back bone, dizziness, sometimes nauseous and the hunger will increase.

Doing nothing

Doing nothing is the best way to weak yourself, the best preparation for death (because you're doing nothing so you're better dead than alive). Doing nothing, or asking people do it for you decreased your energy to a minimum level, causing you to feel lazy, hungry, lack of exercise and finally, you gained weight and become lazier than ever. So well, bumps~


Smoke everyday, 10 times per day. Don't exercise, do not eat healthy foods, and don't check yourself at the hospital. There are 4000 chemicals in one cigarette which helps you to weak and die faster than ever. Great, huh?

Oily Kiss

Forget the vegetables, hate all fruits, don't take any vitamin pills or taking care your daily menu. Just eat all oily foods. Fatty foods taste great. It makes you sick, weak and painful, just the way you want it.

Don't walk

People these days hate walking. They even used vehicle to buy groceries which is right in front of their house. Well, as you hate to walk (because you afraid of the sunlight would burn your face and darken your skin), try to stay afloat and do not walk with your feet for a year. Ask anybody at home to move you around. Believe me, you will not have to walk any longer because your feet is weak and ready to paralyze.

Make problems

Problems are everywhere, no one can avoid it but we can overcome it by making plans and find solution. For those who one to weak in faster, don't try to solve your problems. Make it bigger, or get new problems if necessary. When the problems get higher, your stress level will increase too. This way will weaken your body (losing the appetite), get sick (migraine, fever, cough and joint pain) and destroying your positive attitude. Overall, you manage to weak yourself and ready to die.

Don't trust

Trust is a spiritual energy to help you to feel better and healthy. It makes you believe that you can do anything. So, don't trust anybody, anything or anyone. Let the suspicious be with you, and put you on the weakest point in your life. When you don't trust, you don't forgive, you will quit and you lose faith. When everything's lose, you're weak by yourself. No one knows you anymore, not even God.

Avoid prettiness

Get pretty, feel pretty, look pretty and be pretty is the way to have the prettiness. It gives you confidence, high self-esteem and brave. Well, avoid prettiness. Be sloppy, slumpy and sluggish. Being in such a low level and dark side will show you how to feel weak in yourself. Choose inferior, it tastes fear.

Say 'Yes'

Yes means agree, No means argue. Sometimes, it is good to 'yes' than 'no'. Sometimes, it is good to 'no' than 'yes'. No gives you the point of argument, no matter you win or lose you are the one who begin the argument so you seems big and pointy. To feel weak, try to say 'yes' for a year, even they give you shit to eat, you say 'yes' without hesitation. Oh yes~ within a year, you're so-called idiot to kick around (loserr~)


Last call to weak yourself, get a fight. Try to tease people and fight, even you don't know how to fight at all. If you're lucky, you will lying weakly on hospital bed with wounds and bruises. If you don't, farewell to you forever. May you rest in peace.

So, stay weak tomorrow?
(please don't)
[Warnings: this post is not for people who mentally disturbed, a person with psychological problem, children below 12, teenagers who involved in suicide or multiple absence at the school, the frustrated old folks, any humans who easily get fascinated by death and pure dumb people.]


The common food named after people and places

Food is awesome, everyone knows that. Because of its awesomeness, people named them so it is easy to remember them. There are so many foods named after thousands of people, thousand cities or towns in the world but there are food names that remain the same whenever it goes.  Do you know some common or regular foods were named based on people, and places? 

1. Sandwich

Sandwich is a simple food item with many combination, as long the bread is included. It consisted two or more bread slices and more fillings in between. Suitable for picnics, packed lunch or breakfast, sandwich is widely sold in restaurants and cafes, and it is easy to made it. The name was came from the 4th Earl of Sandwich, John Montagu, the British statesman who become the food inventor.

2. Frankfurter

Frankfurter is a type of hot dog, a sausage. It was named for its city of origin, Frankfurt am Main. Traditionally mixed with pork and beef, sometimes beef only, frankfurter become the archetypal food at U.S since 1900. And now, it become a common food around the world.

3. Kentucky fried chicken

Kentucky, the lovely fried chicken was invented by Mr. Colonel Sanders. Traditionally mixed with secret spices, together with buns and the other side dishes, Kentucky fried chicken was named from the city of origin, Louisville, Kentucky, U.S.

4. Nachos

Nachos is a Mexican food, made from fried corn tortillas, melted cheddar cheese and jalapeno peppers. Also one of archetypal food at U.S, nachos was invented and named by Ignacio 'Nacho' Anaya in 1943.

5. Pavlova

Recently, pavlova becomes famous in my town. It is a meringue dessert with a crisp crust and soft inside. This meringue dessert was made by hotel chef in Wellington, New Zealand when Anna Pavlova, the Russian ballerina visited there in 1926 on her world tour. So, Pavlova is not the inventor of Pavlova, she just gave her name for food.

6. Hamburger

A member of sandwich family, hamburger consisted cooked patty or ground meat, placed inside the bread roll and often served with lettuce, pickles, onion, cheese, sometimes mustard, mayonnaise, ketchup and bacon. The term of 'hamburger' was derived from Hamburg, Germany second largest city.

7. Mayonnaise

Mayonnaise or mayo is a additional condiment for salads, sandwich, chips, fries or burger. Made from eggs, salt, several spices, vinegar or lemon juice, mayo become so common in every country. There are three term regarding to its name. First, the name 'mayonnaise' derived from the city of Mahon at Spain and it was called as 'mahonesa'. Second, the term 'mayonnaise' was popularized by French man, Charles de Lorraine, duke of Mayenne. Third, the term 'mayonnaise' was came from the old French word 'moyeu' which means the egg yolk.

8. Cheddar cheese

One of main ingredients in pizzas and burger, cheddar cheese is made from cow milk and relatively hard in texture. The term 'cheddar' derived from the English village, Cheddar in Somerset.

9. Parmesan cheese

Parmesan cheese or the original name, Parmigiano- Reggiano is a popular cheese for pizza-making. Also made from cow milk and relatively hard in texture, parmesan is named after the area of Parma in Italy.

10. Kellogg's corn flakes

The most well-known corn flakes of all for a brighter breakfast in the morning, Kellogg is more than a brand. The idea of corn flakes had discovered back to late 19th century by the team of Seven-day Adventist who need new vegetarian diet menu. Then, in 1895, the Kellogg brother accidentally discovered the Kellogg's corn flakes which is now a popular corn flake brand all over the world.

Ref: Google searching, mostly, the Wikiwiki page.


Saturday, 12 January 2013

The Weekend Gateway: Ranchan Waterfalls

Ranchan Waterfall and Recreation Park, also known as the 'Ranchan Pool' is one of leisure attraction at Serian, Sarawak. Located 60 km from Kuching, 5 km from Serian- the town of durians, and considered as 'easy to reach' by Bombastic, Ranchan waterfall has its own charm and natural beauty.

Ranchan Waterfall is open for everyone, no admission fee and providing facilities to all such as toilets, shower room, gazebo, seafood restaurant, camp site, chalets and also free parking lot. Visitors are welcomed everyday except public holiday and festival seasons. There is a suspension bridge for visitors to thrill themselves, a colourful bridge across the stream, falls and cascades, trails for sight-seeing and most important of all, the beauty of Ranchan waterfalls. Ranchan is a great place to spend your hot weekend with friends and family.

The upper view of Ranchan waterfalls- cool and refreshing mood among visitors. The sound of chirping birds and other species of fauna is very peaceful to enjoy.

The welcome-board of Ranchan waterfalls, picture was taking at the parking lot. Fisrt step in here- the background view is really breathtaking

It says, "Selamat datang ke Taman Rekreasi Ranchan". Picture was taking inside the car. 

Old monument of Ranchan, the recreational park was officially been opened and inaugurated by the Sarawak Minister of Environment and Tourism, YB Datuk Amar James Wong Kim Man on September 19, 1990 (19/09/1990- what a nice number)

My sister and my bro- taking picture in the middle of the suspension bridge.

Sponsor message: "Waterfall can always be dangerous. Take care about your safety."


Terung Asam Recipe

Terung asam, atau dikenali sebagai terung Dayak, terung Iban atau terung bulu merupakan sayur-sayuran tempatan di Sarawak yang terkenal. Dikelaskan sebagai spesis tumbuh-tumbuhan pokok herba renek dan mempunyai rasa yang masam, terung ini dijadikan perasa tambahan di Thailand dalam masakan dan penyedap rasa bagi masakan Melayu. Walaupun asal-usul tumbuhan ini tidak diketahui, ia tumbuh dengan subur di kawasan India hingga ke Papua New Guinea dan termasuklah kawasan sekitar Asia Tenggara.

Resipi terung asam>>>

Terung asam mempunyai pelbagai jenis resipi (ikut selera sendiri) seperti terung asam ngan ikan tamban salai, masak gulai, masak tumis, campur udang, asam pedas dan macam2 lagi. Tapi ada lagi resipi yang menarik untuk dicuba--terung asam sambal belacan. 

Mula-mula, kasi bakar terung tu sampai kulit luar jadi hitam. Dah tu, kopek kulit tu, bersihkan, buang bijik kat dalam dan potong kecik-kecik. Nak potong panjang-panjang, potong dadu, potong zig zag pun boleh. Asalkan korang happy.

Kemudian, korang goreng belacan ikan bilis dan cili kering ikut suka korang. Nak pedas, letak la cili kering banyak-banyak. Nak mabuk belacan, korang bubuh la banyak belacan. Suka sangat ikan bilis? Korang goreng la ikan bilis satu genggam. Lepas goreng, korang tumbuk bahan-bahan tu sampailah lumat (rujuk gambar sebelah).

Dah selesai semua tu, letakkan isi terung asam yang dah dipotong-potong ke dalam mangkuk yang berisi bahan yang dah ditumbuk lumat. Langkah seterusnya- gaul sampai sebati. Lepas tu, masukkan gula, ikut tahap kemanisan korang.

Inilah hasilnya lepas digaul dan dimasukkan gula. 

Selamat mencuba^^


Monday, 7 January 2013

Beriadah di Pustaka Negeri Sarawak

Pustaka Negeri Sarawak, sinonim dengan peranannya sebagai pusat ilmu di seluruh Sarawak merupakan kawasan terkenal bagi golongan muda berkumpul dan belajar. Teringat dengan zaman persekolahan dulu2, nak study je mesti nak ke sini. Kononnya nak cari ilham belajar but overall, propa je banyak- siap satu karangan.

Memenuhi keperluan orang ramai dalam aspek pendidikan dan juga pembelajaran, Pustaka juga dikenali ramai dengan kemudahan yang disediakan seperti tempat pameran, ceramah, ruang rehat yang selesa, dan juga asas-asas fasiliti perpustakaan yang lain. Selain dari kemudahan dalaman, tarikan lain Pustaka ialah keindahan luaran yang mengekalkan aspek alam sekitar untuk tujuan riadah. Dengan penyediaan tempat pejalan kaki, taman permainan, tasik buatan manusia yang cantik serta kawasan berkelah, Pustaka lebih dari sebuah perpustakaan. Ia merupakan kawasan yang baik untuk berkumpul dan bersama keluarga dan rakan-rakan.

Beriadah di Pustaka pada hujung minggu sama ada bersenam, berjoging, berjalan kaki atau sekadar mencari ketenangan merupakan aktiviti biasa bagi orang Kuching di hujung minggu. Pustaka menjadi tempat pilihan kerana kawasan lebih luas, tidak tersorok, lebih terbuka dan kemudahan tempat parkir. Trek laluan yang disediakan sesuai untuk semua jenis umur dan tidak terlalu berbukit-bukit, Ia dikelilingi oleh pepohon rendang yang redup, suasana yang nyaman dan lebih selamat kerana terletak berhadapan dengan jalan besar. Pustaka juga kerap menganjurkan aktiviti senamrobik di pagi minggu untuk menggalakkan aktiviti kesihatan yang memberi manfaat kepada pengunjung. Pendek kata, Pustaka merupakan tempat yang baik untuk beriadah dan kekal cergas di hujung minggu.

Suasana Pustaka di pagi hari

Sunday, 6 January 2013

Pasar Satok dan Pasar Ceko

The smell of nostalgia and history

Pasar Minggu Satok>>>

My family at Medan
Niaga Satok.

This year is a new transition at Kuching, where the new 'pasar' has born as a 'baby' in order to survive; Medan Niaga Satok. Starting as a common 'pasar tamu' at Pasir Putih area, the 'Pasar Minggu Satok' had replaced the common 'pasar' in 1983 and become the most favourite place to shop and buy everything that the 'Kuchingite' like. And now, the new 'Medan Niaga Satok' become the replacement for the old one, and not everyone like about it, though.

'Pasar Minggu Satok' had set its standard and the sentiment value among the loyal customer, who loved the environment, the situation, the smell and even its name- because it sounds more 'Kuching' than the new name (pick this from other people's opinion). The old 'pasar' truly had its charm of history and memories but as always, change means life. We have to accept that 'Pasar Minggu Satok' is now the history of Kuching, which is not being forgotten.


Pasar Ceko (Gambier)>>>

Pasar Ceko (Gambier)
Born in 1935, very old for me to remember, the 'Pasar Ceko' was the main place for the 'Kuchingite' to buy fresh vegetables, fruits, spices and meats in a good price. Situated near to Sarawak River and Kuching Waterfront, 'Pasar Ceko'  was the hotspot for buyers early in the morning. However, the trash and traffic jam problems had occurred the beauty of Sarawak river, and that was how 'Pasar Ceko' signed the retirement.

In 2008, 'Pasar Ceko' says goodbye and begin the new survival at 'Pasar Basah Stutong' and some of them decided to cherish their memories of 'Pasar Ceko' at the back of the old Cathay building, selling goods to their loyal customers. And now, this place has become the new waterfront for tourist attraction and the parking lot.

Some people said that change is always good. Hope that those changes are great for everyone.
