Monday 21 January 2013

Numbers and Symbolics

Numbers, the collection of digits. The independent item for pure mathematics and beyond the abstract idealization of continuous variables. In many traditions, they were linked with cosmic principles, governing the movement of the moon, the theory of algebra and geometry, and now, the computer. Pythagoras (c569-475 bc), the mathematician in ancient Greece is quoted as saying:

"Number rule all things."

That's the best way to describe numerology is one of the oldest sciences of symbols.

Number one (1) represents the beginning, the symbol of creation. It is depicted as the staff, the standing stone or the erect phallus. Its is the number of God for the monotheistic religion. According to Carl Jung, the famous psychologists, one represents the unifying symbol. The Native American believed that one represents Grandfather Sun and fire, which means the sparks of life. Number one refers the importance as an individual and it represents the male principle according to Pythagorean theory.

Taoist, the Chinese teaching believed that the number two (2) represents the universe where the universe is made up of polarity, expressing the theory of Yin and Yang, the pairs, duality, separating the creator and creation, man and woman, dark and light. Two become the influence in many culture and regard as sets of two as the Native American believed that two represents Grandmother Earth, the body and death. Pythagorean theory said that two represents the female principle.Two also represents the symbol of twins, the double forces, and the warring spirits.

The number three (3) consist the aspect of creation; birth, life and death; past, present and future; mind, body and soul. For Chinese, three represents the perfect number to express the wholeness and fulfillment; Heaven, Earth and Humanity. In Pythagorean theory, three is the harmony number; the union of unity (ONE) and diversity (TWO). In Islam, three means the soul and three is the earth.

The number four (4) is related to the cardinal directions, the four seasons, the elements and the phases of moon. In Islam, it represents the matter while in Christianity, four represents to the Four Evangelists. Four is depicted as the square symbol, suggesting the idea of stability and solidity. In Hindu, the number four is divine for the Four Hindu Vedas as the Japanese is believed the number four or shi sounds like death so four is a death number. In Pythagorean theory, it represents perfection.

According to Pythagorean theory, humanity is related to the number five (5); the human body with its four limbs and head. In Native American, five denotes the human as a sacred being, bridging the gap between earth and sky. The Chinese believed that five consist two (yin) and three (yang), the harmonic union. In India, five represents fire, earth, water, air and ether. For Muslims, five represents the pray, and the five pillars of Islam.

In China, the number six (6) means the celestial power and longevity. It signifies the harmony and balance is linked with the universal human with the shape of hexagon or six pointed star, which becomes the emblem of Judaism. In Pythagorean theory, six means justice while six is the basic teaching in Buddhism; the six realms of existence. In Christianity, six related to sin in New Testament Book of Revelation and 666 becomes the number of beast of the Apocalypse. The 24 hours also related with the number six (2+4=6).

The number seven (7) has widespread significance in magic and divine mystery. There are seven planets in antiquity (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn), seven days in a week, seven colours of rainbow, seven main chakras in human body, and seven branches to the shaman cosmic tree. In ancient Egypt, there were seven gods of light and darkness, as seven is the symbol of eternal life. In Judaism, the New Year begins in the seventh month of Jewish calendar. For Muslims, they believed in seven stages of heaven, seven hells, and seven levels of earth. In Christianity, seven is the number of  heavenly virtues as well as the deadly sins. Seven associates with seven holes in human's head; nose, mouth, eyes and ears.

Eight (8) is the number of cosmic balance. The Taoists teaching believed in number eight; the Eight Immortals, and the Eight Precious Things. In Hindu, god Vishnu has eight arms to correspond to the eight guardians of the space. In Buddhism, eight represents the dharmachakra, the eight spoked wheel of life and the eight petals of the lotus. For Chinese, eight means lucky.

The number nine (9) represents the triple power of three. It associates with the pregnancy stages, the number of gestation and the fulfillment of creation. In China, nine is highly auspicious because it is the number of celestial spheres. For Aztecs, nine represents nine-storey temple echoed the nine heavens. In Native American, nine signifies the moon, change and movement. For Muslims, nine represents the ninth month of holy Ramadhan in Hijr calendar.

Ten (10) means the divine power in Pythagorean theory. It is the number of Ten Commandments in the Bible. The Native American called it as the intellect. 

Additional info:

Eleven (11) means the repetitive. It represents the qualities of human; sensitivity, honesty, patience, spiritual, intuition and idealistic. It also represents sin; transgression and peril. When the number is broken down, it becomes 1 and 1, the symbol of twins, the pillars and duality. It is related to the energy of opposition and the balancing. In England, the 12 almond paste is on top of Easter cake but one is excluded because it represents Judas Iscariot so eleven becomes the main number. Eleven is the only number who can understand whether is written up or down and some said that watching 11: 11 on the clock spontaneously means someone is remembering you.

In Christian symbolism, twelve (12) is the number of universal fulfillment, 12 disciples of Christ and the Tribe of Israel, one of it was Judah. It is related with the space time continuum; the zodiac, the months of the year -the solar year). Twelve means the complete of the cycle and it becomes the important number for the Israelites; the twelve stones in Genesis, the twelve portions in Exodus, and twelve part in the land of Israel. Twelve associates with time; 12 hours for day and night.

Thirteen is always considered as unlucky in the West. The superstitious belief said that 13 derived from the Last Supper theory (Christ and his 12 disciples-including the betrayer, Judas Iscariot). The Kabbalah lists 13 evils in the teaching and the Westerners believed the Friday 13th is the the most unlucky night. However, Islam did not consider this number as unlucky and the ancient Greece believed that 13 represents their god, Zeus, the 13th deity and important number in Mexican astronomy, calendars and theology. In Native American, 13 represents the Goddess.

The Ultimate Illustrated Guide to DSS (Hermes House:2007)


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