Saturday 27 July 2013

Grown up and challenges

To live as a grown up person is very difficult, especially in this century. Time flies really fast, life becomes extremely in speed and everything is highly in demand. You lived to expect the expectation. And also, a lot of people lived in asylum because of this. To be honest, I feel tired to lived like this. But there's no other way, I have to move on. There's no road to make a turn and became a child for once again.

In order to fit in this kind of society, you have to rush. You have to breakFAST, QUICK lunch and dinner, but mostly people like supper because they have to finish this and that during dinner time. I thought, can you just sit there and watch me properly without running here and there? Hey, I know, money is important these days. Everything needs money. I know that more than anyone because I have a short of money right now but it doesn't mean that people just went out without looking what's left behind?

These days, without challenges, you have no guts. That's a glory word from sages. But with challenges, you are difficult. You did something, but nothing's come out right, you joined a business but then it doesn't help you, you seek a job but they refused to hire you, you tried everything to reach your goal but at the end, you're just a loser. The great people used to say good things about something and something, but that's because they're already succeeded. Try to think if they're in continuous failure and then died? I don't think those wisdom would spread to us, right? But at least, for those who still fighting their problems, I guess they have guts, a big one.

Everyone, when they were little would expect a good life is ahead. They talked about a dream job, a dream house, a dream of dream in dream of dream. Dream is like drinking water, if you don't drink water for a week, you'll die. From every kind of dream, there's a hope and effort come together. Those were positives. It tranquilized your nerves and pulses. But there is no way for us to get everything easy. Easy comes with challenges, you have to fight them first or just die. You see? Life is a battle. We did it since we're so little, as a sperm. 

I often feel tired these days. Maybe what I did is not turning out very good. And people just saw me as I am nothing. If only I can screamed in their ears and said, "just mind your own business..!", it would be sweet. Again, people around you is also a challenge. Not everyone sincerely understand your problem because they saw you as one of their problem too. They're too busy living and too busy dying and too busy earning and too busy in everything. Why would you think they might pay some attention to listen to your problem. Actually, you are the one who listen to your own problem. So, I recommended you, build a wall in your ear. Just let them talk whatever they want because they never saw you crying and you never saw them crying.

At the end, everyone lived in their problems. How to resolve the problem?

That's the challenge.


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