Monday 26 November 2012

The Power of 'NO'

'NO' is the simple word the begin the argument and to emphasize a negative statement--basically the short word of disagreement, to refuse, to avoid, and to deny. 'NO' is also associate with manner of certain degree of human, or someone's initial but that is NOT the thing I want to discuss. To say 'NO' isn't easy (I know, I tried), especially to refuse someone in trouble as for worst of the worst--you lose someone or something you loved the most. But if troubles happened without saying 'NO', try to familiarize yourself with this word.

Okay, let's see....

'NO' is a very strong word to off the conversation, the way to stop the things you didn't want to hear (maybe it sounds idiot, bored, not interesting and as usual---spiteful), comparable with minus attitudes to resist someone or something and often been called as protester. Remember the major division in Christianity--Protestant? Back in 16th century, Martin Luther, a German Augustinian friar, published 95 theses about the new division of Christianity and refused the rule of Roman Catholic (one of the biggest protest in the history) Back to the old days in Europe, the Catholic priests were swanky, cold blooded, lustful with women and wine---and money. So, that was 'NO-NO' situation, the biggest 'NO' will win. Even up to these days, the internal cold war happens between the border of the earth and beyond. The truth--there are no questions for this negative statement because every human is born with 'NO' and 'YES'...but I won't talk about 'YES' right now.

People used to say 'NO' a lot in one day (start counting now) and it happened continuously in relationship -marriage, engaged, friendship whatsoever. This magical word emerged through subjects and questions which becomes the main stock for the argument such as when your mom asking where did you go last night? Having fun at the club eh? For those who knew that their parent will cut their expenses if they say 'YES'.. 'NO' might be better to hurrah, one point...'NO' means 'YOU LIED', as I did quite often to shorten the answer and to avoid using lengthy words

But sometimes, think about it...

YES is positive but there's a bit of infirmity and shortcoming...
NO is negative but well, it's firm, persistent and tenacious
MAYBE is an option but there's too much hesitation and indecision.

So, listen...

The power of 'NO' is deep inside yourself. Find it and apply. Once you have mastered the skills, this super power will be yours =)

"Half of the troubles of this life can be traced by saying yes too quickly and not saying 'no' soon enough" [Josh Billings]


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